
A parking violation is issued if a vehicle is parked in contravention of the advertised conditions on property we own, lease or have been contracted to enforce. Please be aware that our signage meets or exceeds the requirements of any province/city by-laws that we work in.
If you feel you have grounds for an appeal or refund, please do so within 5 days of being ticketed, immobilized or towed noting the conditions below:
Please clearly state your reason for appealing, along with the following details and any other information you feel is relevant.
We do not accept any appeals over the phone. You must submit your appeal via the forum below.
- Your ticket fell down/was blown off the dashboard/on the seat etc.
- Your ticket was not displayed clearly, face up, on the dashboard of your vehicle
- You forgot to display your ticket
- You went to get some change
- You did not know it was a Pay & Display car park
- You did not know it was a private parking lot
- You did not know you couldn’t park at the location
- You were only a few minutes overdue
- You only stopped for a few minutes
- You did not see the signage
Pay & Display tickets must be clearly displayed on the dashboard of your vehicle, with the issue and expiry time clearly visible to our staff. If failure to display, or incorrect display is the reason for the charge you have received, any appeal would be dealt with by our appeals team reviewing the photographic evidence supplied by our enforcement officers. In this case producing a valid ticket, after the event, for the time the charge was issued with an appeal would not be sufficient cause for a refund.
Our goal is to provide a fair and efficient appeals service carried out by our appeals team. The team uses photographic evidence, video surveillance evidence, reports from our on-site enforcement officers and your correspondence when dealing with any dispute.
Once your appeal is received we will contact you within 14 days.
If your appeal is approved a refund will be issued to your credit or debit card or by cheque within 2 business days